Cab Grid Pro CSS Style Generator
Use this utility to create your own styles for Cab Grid Pro…
Use this utility to create your own styles for Cab Grid Pro…
What happens when a customer is looking for a journey to or from a place that isn’t listed in the AREAS tab? New features in Cab Grid Pro open scope for new techniques to handle these journeys by providing a streamlined process to request a custom quotation…
Ever needed to hide or show booking form fields based on the destination or passenger numbers selected by your customer? In Cab Grid Pro v5.5 dynamic CSS classes are added to the main Cab Grid element allowing subsequent manipulation of content through CSS.
Whilst NOT RECOMMENDED, it is possible to disable Cab Grid’s built-in booking form fields. This article describes how to use advanced settings (Defaults add-on or _settings.php) and CSS to hide built-in fields that are mandatory by default.
Tool-tips can be enabled to provide customers with further assistance when calculating a journey price and completing the booking form…
Version 2 of our taxi booking management system provides a calendar view with daily itinerary, functionality to add, edit & duplicate bookings from the admin, checking for timing conflicts with other bookings, and customisable messaging for actions such as accept, decline, cancel or paid.
All the information about a taxi booking request can be compiled to a single (CSV) file and sent as an attachment along with the cab booking notification email. This file can then be imported to a third-party application or booking system. CSV attachments are sent to the administrator only, and only if enabled in the Cab Grid Pro admin.
Use this utility to create your own custom booking form fields for Cab Grid Pro…
Should the Cab Grid Pro plugin be repurposed it may be necessary to edit the built-in booking form labels and buttons. This can be done by manually editing the _settings.php file (with some caveats).
Do not allow booking on certain dates, specify a minimum time before booking (lead time), and a latest booking date.
Should we integrate WooCommerce with CabGrid Pro? This article discusses the pros and cons. Please provide your thoughts in the comments…
Cab Grid Pro version 3 offers address auto-complete on the taxi booking form via the Google Maps JavaScript API. This article describes how to find or generate your API key.
How to provide a means for visitors to get prices for taxi journeys between locations you do not list using Cab Grid. This article describes using an ‘-other’ location and a link to a custom taxi price quote request form with Cab Grid.
Cab Grid Pro provides an online booking form that is displayed (optionally) after a price is calculated. This form contains a set of standard fields, but custom fields can be added to augment and personalise the booking form. Values entered in these form fields are included with the booking notification email.