Driver Dispatch Add-on

The Cab Grid Driver Add-on provides driver management and dispatch functions for journey bookings made via Cab Grid Pro and the Cab Grid Booking Management Add-on.

It is available to purchase and download now, and we have produced an installation and setup guide that walks through how to use the add-on.


Manage Drivers

Maintain a list of drivers in the WordPress admin. 

Driver Properties

Add driver details such as make, model, colour of vehicle, contact details and more…

Assign Drivers

Drivers can be assigned to jobs in the BOOKINGS section of the Cab Grid WordpRess Admin

Notify Drivers

Send booking details to drivers via SMS text message or email.

Notify Customers

Send driver details to customers when a driver is assigned to their booking

The Cab Grid Driver add-on provides a convenient interface within the WordPress admin section where drivers can be added together with their contact and vehicle details. These are used in notifications when assigning a driver to a booking

Drivers can be assigned to jobs from the Cab Grid BOOKINGS table. There is the option to send notifications to both driver and csutomer via either email or SMS text message.