On your website, the Cab Grid Pro plugin’s main interface allows visitors to obtain taxi fare prices by selecting a starting location (origin) and a destination from drop-down menus. In the plugin’s WordPress admin section each area can be set as either origin or destination or both. Assigning a location to either (origin or destination) will cause that location to be listed in the corresponding drop down.
This gives visitors a clearer idea of which journeys you offer by only listing the locations you support in the pick up drop down menu – and the same for the drop off list.
Assign areas as origin/destination
Under the ‘AREAS’ tab of the Cab Grid Pro plugin page in your WordPress admin you will see your list of locations you travel between. Next to each are two further columns containing checkboxes for ‘Origin’ and ‘Destination’. When you tick the checkbox on the ‘Origin’ column, that area will be included in the ‘pick-up’ drop down menu. If you tick the checkbox in the destination column, that area will appear in the ‘drop off’ menu within the Cab Grid interface on your website. Obviously, you can select one or other or both as you desire.
The origin and destination assignment will be obeyed even if the location drop-down lists are further filtered/reduced using groups.
The “single” shortcode attribute allows a specific origin or destination to be listed as the only place for a given instance of the Cab Grid Pro price calculator, rather than globally (as the origin/dest columns). See Shortcode Attributes for more info.
Last Updated: 2018-09-16 (Cab Grid Pro v5.0.2)
Good morning,
My name is Pedro and my query is related to the reset of prices and areas.
I have the PRO version and manipulating I have configured the prices wrong.
How can I reset the prices again with a copy of the CSV that I have saved for such an event.
Best regards