Some advanced CabGrid Pro settings are not configurable via the WordPress admin interface largely because changes introduce a degree of complexity that can lead to problems – such as translation issues. These include Custom Labels for Form Fields & Buttons, price formats, logging and other settings.

However, changes can be made by editing the _settings.php file in the cab-grid-pro plugin folder. This can be done via FTP or using the built-in WordPress file editor. The problem with this is that, when the main CabGrid Pro plugin is updated, the _settings.php file will be overwritten by updates, meaning any changes will be lost and need to be re-edited.

To solve this, we have created a FREE add-on plugin that allows advanced settings for CabGrid Pro to be configured without being effected by updates to the main plugin. To use it, it should be downloaded, edited locally, and then uploaded to the WordPress plugins folder.

Download CabGrid Pro Defaults Add-on

Within this plugin folder there is a file called, “_settings.php“. Edit this file to provide custom settings, then upload the whole folder to the plugins directory (usually, /wp_content/plugins/)

The code summary below describes the settings that are configurable via this add-on.

$cabGridProDefaultPageAddress=""; //Page address of main Cab Grid Pro instance. e.g. "/book-now/#cabGridPro1" where 'cabGridPro1' is instance id attribute (used to restart booking process when necessary)
$cabGridProButtonLabelBook=""; //default: "BOOK" //enter a label for the book button
$cabGridProButtonLabelSubmit=""; //default: "SUBMIT" //enter a label for the booking form submit button
$cabGridProFormLabelPickupDate=""; //default: "PICK UP DATE/TIME" //enter a label for the booking form pick up date field label
$cabGridProFormLabelReturnDate=""; //default: "RETURN DATE/TIME" //enter a label for the booking form return date field label
$cabGridProFormLabelName=""; //default: "YOUR NAME" //enter a label for the booking form name field label
$cabGridProFormLabelEmail=""; //default: "YOUR EMAIL" //enter a label for the booking form email field label
$cabGridProFormLabelTel=""; //default: "YOUR TELEPHONE" //enter a label for the booking form telephone field label
$cabGridProFormLabelOriginAddr=""; //default: "PICK UP" //enter a label for the booking form pick up address (origin) field label
$cabGridProFormLabelDestAddr=""; //default: "DESTINATION" //enter a label for the booking form destination address field label
$cabGridProFormLabelOriginAddrPlaceHolder=""; //default: "Pick-up address or flight number/terminal" //enter placeholder text for the booking form pick up address (origin) field
$cabGridProFormLabelDestAddrPlaceHolder=""; //default: "Destination address, flight number/terminal" //enter placeholder text for the booking form destination address field
$cabGridProFormLabelMailingList=""; //default: "JOIN OUR MAILING LIST" //enter a label for the booking form mailing list subscribe checkbox
$cabGridProSectTitleExtras=""; //default: "EXTRAS" //enter a label for the booking form destination address field label
$cabGridProSectTitleDiscount=""; //default: "DISCOUNT/PROMO CODE"//enter a label for the booking form destination address field label
//* CALCULATOR LABELS (usually hidden in favour of icons, but can be revealed through CSS) *\\
$cabGridProCalcLabelPassengers=""; //default: "PASSENGERS" //enter a label for the passengers field label
$cabGridProCalcLabelLuggage=""; //default: "LUGGAGE" //enter a label for the luggage field label
$cabGridProCalcLabelTickets=""; //default: "TICKETS" //enter a label for the tickets field label
$cabGridProCalcLabelOneWay=""; //default: "ONE WAY" (dynamic) //enter a label for the one-way or return icon label (one-way)
$cabGridProCalcLabelReturn=""; //default: "RETURN" (dynamic) //enter a label for the one-way or return icon label (return)
$cabGridProCalcLabelFrom=""; //default: "FROM" //enter a label for the "from" drop down label
$cabGridProCalcLabelTo=""; //default: "TO" //enter a label for the "to" drop down label
$cabGridProCalcLabelStandardPrice=""; //default: "STANDARD" //label shown on primary price variation button and passed to booking form
$cabGridProMailService=""; //default: "phpmailer" // alternative method: "wp_mail" //! Should probably use wp_mail if using plugin like PostSMTP
$cabGridProCustEmailSubject=""; //default: "Booking Request Acknowledgement" (followed by system reference if available)
$cabGridProCustEmailHead=""; //default: "Your booking is PENDING. You will receive confirmation in a separate communication."
$cabGridProConflictMsg=""; //default: "Sorry, we do not have availability at {DATE/TIME}.\n\n Please try a different time."
$cabGridProConflictVehicleMsg=""; //default: "{VEHICLE NAME} is not available at {DATE/TIME}.\n\n Please try a different time or change journey parameters to select a different vehicle."
$cabGridProNoPlaceMsg=""; //default: "Place not found"
$cabGridProSenderName=""; //default: Blog title/name (in WP settings) e.g. "Your company name"
$cabGridProCcCustomerMsgs=""; //default: "" //enter a SINGLE email address to copy customer email messages to. Note, deliverability depends on configuration/host restrictions. See support
$cabGridProBccCustomerMsgs=""; //default: "" //enter a SINGLE email address to blind copy customer email messages to. Note, deliverability depends on configuration/host restrictions. See support
$cabGridProCcAdminMsgs=""; //default: "" //enter a SINGLE email address to copy admin email messages to. Note, deliverability depends on configuration/host restrictions. See support
$cabGridProBccAdminMsgs=""; //default: "" //enter a SINGLE email address to blind copy admin email messages to. Note, deliverability depends on configuration/host restrictions. See support
$cabGridProAdminMsg=""; //default: "A new booking request has been submitted via your website as follows:" // enter the message shown at the top of booking notificaiton messages sent to the administrator
$cabGridProAdminLocale=""; //default: {site locale}. Enter a locale to force admin message in that language (where translation exists). e.g. en_US or en_GB or es_ES. This is useful where translation plugin, like Polylang, in use.
$cabGridProAdminNotificationSubject=""; //default: "[site name] Booking Request ([booking id])" // Accepts text-substitution syntax, e.g. "New Booking Request (///cabGridProBookingID///)"
//* TOOL-TIPS *\\
$cabGridProVehicleMaxPassTooltip="";//default: "Maximum number of passengers" $cabGridProVehicleMaxPassTooltip,$cabGridProVehicleMaxLuggTooltip
$cabGridProPassengersTooltip=""; //default: "NUMBER OF PASSENGERS"
$cabGridProVehicleMaxLuggTooltip="";//default: "Maximum amount of luggage"
$cabGridProLuggageTooltip=""; //default: "NUMBER OF SUITCASES"
$cabGridProTicketsTooltip=""; //default: "NUMBER OF TICKETS"
$cabGridProTimeTooltip=""; //default: "NUMBER OF [TIME UNITS]"
$cabGridProOneWayTooltip=""; //default: "ONE-WAY"
$cabGridProReturnTooltip=""; //default: "RETURN"
$cabGridProOriginTooltip=""; //default: "Select the place the starting address falls within"
$cabGridProDestinationTooltip=""; //default: "Select the place the destination address is within"
$cabGridProBookButtonTooltip=""; //default: "Click here to complete the booking request form"
$cabGridProSubmitButtonTooltip=""; //default: "Click here to send your booking request"
$cabGridProPickupDateTooltip=""; //default: "SELECT DATE AND TIME [DYNAMIC INFO]"
$cabGridProReturnDateTooltip=""; //default: "SELECT DATE AND TIME [DYNAMIC INFO]"
$cabGridProNameTooltip=""; //default: "Enter your full name here"
$cabGridProEmailTooltip=""; //default: "Enter your email address here"
$cabGridProTelephoneTooltip=""; //default: "Enter your telephone number"
$cabGridProIntTelCodeTooltip=""; //default: "SELECT COUNTRY DIALLING CODE"
$cabGridProPickupAddressTooltip=""; //default: "Enter the address where your journey starts here"
$cabGridProDropAddressTooltip=""; //default: "Enter the destination address here"
$cabGridProPromoCodeTooltip=""; //default: "Type in code and click the APPLY button to validate the code and apply the discount."
$cabGridProStandardPriceTooltip=""; //default: "Show standard price for this journey"
$cabGridDatePicker24HrTime="y"; //Time format: n=1-12 (AM/PM), y=0-23hrs
$cabGridDatePickerFormat=""; //e.g. D, J M Y - H:i Date & time format shown to customer:
$cabGridProNativeMobileSelect="y"; //y=use standard (native) drop down for select boxes on mobile devices, n=use enhanced searchable select boxes (as per desktop) on mobile devices
$cabGridProPickupDateOptional="n"; //Allows booking form pickup date field to be optional (not required). Default: n (required), y (optional)
$cabGridProReturnDateOptional="n"; //Allows booking form return date field to be optional (not required). Default: n (required), y (optional)
$cabGridProNameOptional="n"; //Allows booking form name field to be optional (not required). Default: n (required), y (optional)
$cabGridProEmailOptional="n"; //Allows booking form email address field to be optional (not required). Default: n (required), y (optional) - admin email address may be used where required
$cabGridProTelOptional="n"; //Allows booking form telephone number field to be optional (not required). Default: n (required), y (optional)
$cabGridProPickupAddressOptional="n"; //Allows booking Pick Up address field to be optional (not required). Default: n (required), y (optional)
$cabGridProDestAddressOptional="n"; //Allows booking form destination address field to be optional (not required). Default: n (required), y (optional)
$cabGridProInsureValidatorCompatibility=""; //Forces Cab Grid's version of jQuery Validator plugin to load. Default: "" (system decides), y (force load)
$cabGridIncPaypalLink=1; //determines if a Paypal link is included in the booking notifcation email sent to admin
$cabGridPpRtnURL=""; //page customers sent to after successfull PayPal payment. Default: Site Home Page. Format: https://domain.tld/success-page
$cabGridPpCnlURL=""; //page customers sent to when cancelling PayPal payment. Default: Site Home Page. Format: https://domain.tld/fail-page
$cabGridProRememberCust="y"; //Allow Cab Grid to set a cookie on customer computer that remembers booking form field values: y for ON, n for OFF.
$cabGridProPriceFormat=1; //1=$9.99 (symbol:price), 2=9.99$ (price:symbol)
$cabGridProPriceDecimals=2; //Format price to this number of decimal places. Reasonable values: 0 or 2. Possible, but unusual values: 1 or 3.
$cabGridProLogEnable=0; //Error Log: 0 for off, 1 for on
$cabGridLogLength=""; //Default: 250 //number of lines to keep in log
$cabGridTicketFormula=""; //formula used to multiply ticket prices... e.g. *0.8 [if price is $10, 4 tickets would cost $10+(10x0.8)x3 = $34]
$cabGridProRole=""; //Capability required to administer Cab Grid Pro. (cab_grid_pro_manager or manage_options)
$cabGridProCurlTimeout=5; //amount of time (in seconds) to allow before cURL requests time out
$cabGridOverrideAjaxURL="n"; //Override AJAX call URL. n=Default, y=Force direct path, [url]=custom
$cabGridScrollTopOffset=0; //Dafault: 0 //The number of pixels to adjust the top poosition scrolled to when booking form submitted (usually top of Cab Grid interface)
$cabGridContentIfRobot=""; //Default: Display the regular Cab Grid interface as per regular visits otherwise show robots this content. e.g. Get a price and book...
$cabGridProVehicleImgSize=""; //The image size used for vehicles. Default: medium | Options: thumbnail / medium / large / full
$cabGridProExtraImgSize=""; //The image size used for extras. Default: thumbnail | Options: thumbnail / medium / large / full
$cabGridProUseSelectBox="n"; //Replace number input fields in calculator with HTML SELECT box (drop-down). Options: n/y [Enabling inhibits native number picker on mobile.]
$cabGridProAutoCompleteRadius="30000"; //Google Address Auto-complete location bias radius. Default: 30000 (30km). Addresses within this area will be given priority. Distance from select location as geocoded by Google.
$cabGridProDisableCache="n"; //Stop CabGrid Pro from caching settings. Options: n/y (n = cache as normal, y = do not cache data)
//** TO AVOID ERRORS, MIN MUST BE EXACTLY DIVISIBLE BY STEP: eg min=2, step=2 (2,4,6,etc) OR min=0,step=3 (0,3,6,9,etc) **\\
$cabGridProPassengerStep=1; //determines the change in passengers when the up/down icons are clicked. A step of 2 will change 1 passenger to 3 when up is clicked
$cabGridProMinLuggage=0; //determines the minimum amount of luggage (max is determined by vehicle capacity)
$cabGridProLuggageStep=1; //determines the change in luggage when the up/down icons are clicked. A step of 3 will change 3 pieces of luggage to 6 when up is clicked
$cabGridProMinTickets=1; //determines the minimum number of tickets (max is determined by vehicle capacity)
$cabGridProTicketStep=1; //determines the change in tickets when the up/down icons are clicked. A step of 4 will change 1 ticket to 5 when up is clicked
$cabGridProMinTime=1; //determines the minimum amount of time for time based calculations
$cabGridProMaxTime=365; //determines the maximum amount of time for time based calculations
$cabGridProTimeStep=1; //can be a decimal value/float (e.g. 0.5). Determines the change in time units when the up/down icons are clicked. A step of 0.5 will change 1 unit (hour/day etc) to 1.5 when up is clicked.
$cabGridProBookEarliest=""; //defaukt: "00:00" //v5+ //Restricted the date time input: Earliest time in 24hr format (00:00-23:59) that a booking can be made. e.g. 07:00
$cabGridProBookLatest=""; //default: "23:59" //v5+ //Restricted the date time input: Latest time in 24hr format (00:00-23:59) that a booking can be made. e.g. 22:00
//* USER SPECIFIC SETTINGS (if logged in as a WordPress user) *\\
$cabGridUserShowVariants="y"; //y/n: //v5+ //If "n" price variants will be hidden FOR LOGGED IN USERS (TBC)
$cabGridUserShowDiscountInput="n"; //y/n: //v5+ //If "y" the discount code input field will be visible FOR LOGGED IN USERS

Providing Translations

It is also possible to provide translations for custom labels specified within this file. To do this, the syntax is slightly different.
For example, instead of $cabGridProButtonLabelBook="My Custom Label"; use $cabGridProButtonLabelBook=__("My Custom Label","cab-grid-pro");

Using this syntax will make the text available within the translation file(s) located in the CabGrid Pro (or Defaults add-on) languages folder. For information on how to provide translations for CabGrid, see this CabGrid Translations article.

Booking Management Add-on Settings

Unlike CabGrid Pro, the Booking Management Add-on does not provide its own _settings.php file. The Booking Management Add-on provides access to custom settings via the Defaults Add-on Plugin where custom settings are defined in a file named ‘_settings-BMA.php‘. Here you can define notification email subjects (e.g. ‘Booking Confirmation‘ and ‘Return journey reminder‘) and other labels such as the ‘Pay online now…‘ link included in booking notification emails.

Custom JavaScript

The Defaults add-on plugin also provides a file named cab-grid-custom.js. Custom JavaScript can be added here that will be loaded when the Defaults add-on is loaded. This can be useful for adding javascript functionality to CabGrid Pro. For example, manipulating the CabGrid Pro interface via event hooks.

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  • Discount/Promo Code
  • Extras

    Select additional items to add to your booking

    • Water


      Chilled mineral water



No price found for this journey